The video features a softball tutorial by Megan Remblack. Megan Remblack is teaching two drills, Catching Over The Shoulder and Drop Step. The first drill is focused on catching over the shoulder, and Megan demonstrates it through a progression drill starting on her knees. She stresses the importance of catching high to be able to reach far when catching the ball. The next part of the progression drill involves pumping the arms in the glove, turning around to look at the coach or partner who will lob the ball over Megan’s left and right shoulders, and catching it at the [More]
This video demonstrates the drop step, fielding fly balls to the left, right and straight back. All catches end with fielder being in correct position to make the throw with momentum going toward where the throw is going. Video also explains safety stops and run through for fielding the ball in the outfield.
This video includes three different outfielder drills. The “Two Ball Drill” works on reaction to ball as well as being a good cardio workout and conditioning drill. The “Barehand Drill” works on letting the outfielder see the ball into the glove. Drill uses a softie ball and no glove is worn by fielder. Good for working both sides over the shoulder, left and right. The “Gap Communication Drill” works on outfielder’s communication skills with one another. Outfielder should call the ball at peak flight of ball, call it out loud a few times and loudly.