• Softball Videos

  • Highest Rated Videos

During the above video, we’re going to talk about some troubleshooting you can take on with regards to softball pitching. One thing you see a lot of with pitchers is that they don’t get their arm circle in the right position. This means that you don’t see them getting their arm tight by their ear, reaching tall at the top, and getting nice and tight by the body. If you have a pitcher who doesn’t have a good arm circle, there are two things you can do with them. First, you can have them, before they pitch, work on pointing [More]
The instruction part of the video begins around the :55 mark. This video starts by showing the proper way to grip the softball and how to produce the correct spin for a fastball. Includes several basic drills to help the beginning pitcher.
Demonstrates the figure 4 finish of the fastpitch pitch with proper body angles and drive and proper fielding postion at the end of the pitch.
This video examines proper head and upper body positioning during the pitch. Also shows proper body angle during the stride.
This video shows the leap and drag technique for fastpitch pitchers. Shows proper leap with drag foot staying on ground when it leaves the mound.