The instruction part of the video begins around the :55 mark. This video starts by showing the proper way to grip the softball and how to produce the correct spin for a fastball. Includes several basic drills to help the beginning pitcher.
Various infield drills by Mike Candrea focusing on quickness and accuracy. Drills that work backhand, short hops, slow rollers, charging the ball, picking a hop and more.
This training video is about a series of games that can be played to improve hand-eye coordination and other fundamental baseball/softball skills. The games are designed to develop skills in a safe and fun environment. Players are encouraged to challenge themselves to improve their skills and beat their personal best. Players need to spread out at a safe distance from each other during the games. All the games involve the use of a ball and glove. Even though the title of the video is 10 Best Softball Drills for Beginners, there are actually eleven games, so you get a bonus
This video deals with how the catcher should field the bunt. The area of the field that is the catcher’s responsibility is pointed out as well as positioning for bunts down the first base side. Explains how the catcher should scoop the ball off the ground with mitt and hand.
Simple three player throwing drill emphasizes quick catch and throw that simulates throws that are made in game situations.
This video explores a couple of ways to use an Easton Training Stick, emphasizing how it can be used in pre-game warmups.
This drill works on soft hands and incorporates the double play toss which infielders and outfielders should use at some point in a game.
This video demonstrates the drop step, fielding fly balls to the left, right and straight back. All catches end with fielder being in correct position to make the throw with momentum going toward where the throw is going. Video also explains safety stops and run through for fielding the ball in the outfield.
This video is a coaching session on sprinting technique. The coach is instructing the athletes on the proper form and strategy for the start of a sprint. He emphasizes the importance of the first ten steps, which he calls the “dig phase.” He advises the athletes to keep their heads down and stay low to the ground during this phase, and to focus on driving their knees and arms aggressively. He also stresses the importance of being confident and not hesitant during the start, as this is crucial for achieving a faster time. The coach emphasizes that lazy starts and
This video includes three different outfielder drills. The “Two Ball Drill” works on reaction to ball as well as being a good cardio workout and conditioning drill. The “Barehand Drill” works on letting the outfielder see the ball into the glove. Drill uses a softie ball and no glove is worn by fielder. Good for working both sides over the shoulder, left and right. The “Gap Communication Drill” works on outfielder’s communication skills with one another. Outfielder should call the ball at peak flight of ball, call it out loud a few times and loudly.
Demonstrates the figure 4 finish of the fastpitch pitch with proper body angles and drive and proper fielding postion at the end of the pitch.
This softball baserunning instructional video details proper run through and breakdown when running through first base. Emphasis is put on hitting the outside front corner of base (not top of base) which is the closest place to touch. The player should look toward the field after crossing the base and breaking down to find the ball. Video also explains rule of making an attempt (feinting) toward second base and in what instances you can and cannot be tagged out. Proper base turns are also demonstrated using a gradual swing out as opposed to a “question mark” when running to first