• Softball Videos

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This video goes into the importance of the sacrifice bunt and how each player on the team should be able to execute the sacrifice bunt. There are three keys to a sacrifice bunt. The first key is stance and there are two ways to stand to sacrifice bunt. The first stance squares your body up completely toward the pitcher. The second stance is to turn to face the pitcher without squaring your lower body. The second key to sacrifice bunting is hand placement. The top hand should be brought up the bat and hid behind the barrel and the bottom [More]
During the above video, you’ll learn about the importance of the two strike stance and about a softball drill great for getting your players comfortable and ready for this type of situation. The two strike stance is one that you use in a game situation where the batter has two strikes. We want the hitter to feel comfortable in that situation knowing that they open their zone a little bit, they widen their stance, and they shorten their swing. We practice this softball drill every day at practice so that the players are comfortable in that two strike situation. It’s [More]
This video comes from Fastpitch.tv and features softball coach Kirk Walker and Olympian Lisa Fernandez. Coach Kirk focuses on opposite field hitting and Lisa stresses proper mechanics with tee drills.
Drill demonstrates the proper grip, ball spin and arm rotation when throwing a softball. Throwing drills for upper and lower body.
A team’s defense is not complete until infield bunt defense is perfected. In most bunt defense situations the 3rd baseman has priority over who will get the ball. the 1st baseman, 3rd baseman, and pitcher are not the only infielders involved in bunt defense procedures. The 2nd baseman should also be yelling where the ball is going to based on the angle of the bat and where the pitch is leading to.
This video details proper shoulder rotation when hitting a fastpitch softball. The video compares a correct rotation side-by-side with one that is incorrect. Both videos are stopped and graphically diagrammed for visual reference. The main point is that the shoulder does not rotate on the same axis as the hips do.
If you don’t have the luxury of living in California, Florida or other warm places, your team will probably have to take it indoors for winter practices. In this video, Jordan Stevens, head coach of Valpo University’s softball team presents their indoor practice drills.
This drill focuses on good footwork, stepping to the ball, turning shoulders correctly and accurate throws to the chest. Turning from both the inside and outside puts the emphasis on the player’s footwork.
This video explains how to break in a new glove using glove oils or cream, a ball, glove bands and a mallet.
Detailed instruction on how to grip the softball, mechanics of the arm circle for outfielders, infielders and catchers and wrist snap.
This video shows the leap and drag technique for fastpitch pitchers. Shows proper leap with drag foot staying on ground when it leaves the mound.
Softball drills instruction begins around the :53 mark in the video.  These are basic drills for beginners and focus on habits that need to be formed early when learning to hit a softball. Instructor is Crissy Rapp.