This video provides an overview of the proper techniques for tracking a ball hit to the outfield in softball. The instructor emphasizes the importance of having a good drop step, which involves stepping back with the appropriate foot depending on where the ball is hit. The first step should always be back and the glove should be tucked while running. When tracking the ball, it is essential not to turn your back to the ball, and the shoulders should stay open to the ball at all times. If the wind takes the ball in the opposite direction of where the [More]
Softball drills instruction begins around the :53 mark in the video.  These are basic drills for beginners and focus on habits that need to be formed early when learning to hit a softball. Instructor is Crissy Rapp.
This video includes three different outfielder drills. The “Two Ball Drill” works on reaction to ball as well as being a good cardio workout and conditioning drill. The “Barehand Drill” works on letting the outfielder see the ball into the glove. Drill uses a softie ball and no glove is worn by fielder. Good for working both sides over the shoulder, left and right. The “Gap Communication Drill” works on outfielder’s communication skills with one another. Outfielder should call the ball at peak flight of ball, call it out loud a few times and loudly.
During the above video, we’re going to talk about some troubleshooting you can take on with regards to softball pitching. One thing you see a lot of with pitchers is that they don’t get their arm circle in the right position. This means that you don’t see them getting their arm tight by their ear, reaching tall at the top, and getting nice and tight by the body. If you have a pitcher who doesn’t have a good arm circle, there are two things you can do with them. First, you can have them, before they pitch, work on pointing [More]
The video provides a basic guide for beginners and coaches on fielding and throwing techniques for fast pitch and slow pitch softball. The video is helpful for those who want to build a foundation for improved softball mechanics in the infield. The video begins with a brief introduction explaining that there are time stamps available in the video description to help viewers jump to specific sections they need. The video goes on to explain fielding positions, where the player’s feet should be shoulder-width apart, and their chest should be up. The glove should be out in front, the butt back, [More]
When your team is focusing on softball hitting, you want to do your best to have as many players hitting at one time. The above video addresses this topic. This video first shows an example of a typical boring practice. For the first twenty seconds, you’ll just observe…does it looks like your type of practice? Instead of having twelve girls standing around, only one girl hitting, and the coach trying to pitch at the speed the hitters are used to, amp up your practice to allow all of your players participate in various drills. After watching a boring practice, you’ll [More]
The video features a softball tutorial by Megan Remblack. Megan Remblack is teaching two drills, Catching Over The Shoulder and Drop Step. The first drill is focused on catching over the shoulder, and Megan demonstrates it through a progression drill starting on her knees. She stresses the importance of catching high to be able to reach far when catching the ball. The next part of the progression drill involves pumping the arms in the glove, turning around to look at the coach or partner who will lob the ball over Megan’s left and right shoulders, and catching it at the [More]
This softball baserunning instructional video details proper run through and breakdown when running through first base. Emphasis is put on hitting the outside front corner of base (not top of base) which is the closest place to touch. The player should look toward the field after crossing the base and breaking down to find the ball. Video also explains rule of making an attempt (feinting) toward second base and in what instances you can and cannot be tagged out. Proper base turns are also demonstrated using a gradual swing out as opposed to a “question mark” when running to first [More]
The video is about pitching drills that can help players warm up and get ready for a practice or a game. The coach starts by emphasizing the importance of warming up and stretching, and then goes on to demonstrate three different drills that she likes to use to help pitchers get loose. The first drill is called “Hug Yourself”, which involves alternating which arm is above your head and hugging yourself. The coach explains that this drill is great for stretching, getting your heart rate up, and feeling warm. The second drill is called “High Five Low Five”, which involves [More]