• Softball Videos

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In this video, the instructor demonstrates a bunting drill for softball players. The instructor first discusses the proper way to hold the bat, with the thumb and index finger behind the bat, and the top hand strong and controlling the barrel. The goal is to hit the ball on the end of the barrel, which is the dead spot, and make contact on top of the ball so that it drops straight down. The instructor emphasizes that when squaring up, players should have their legs nice and bent, and strong, with the barrel a little bit higher than the hands. [More]
This video is an instructional guide on bunting techniques for softball players. The instructor first provides an overview of the proper stance, emphasizing the importance of consistency in foot placement, turning the feet towards the pitcher, and bending at the knees. The instructor then explains the proper grip, with the dominant hand pinching behind the handle and the non-dominant hand in its usual position. The instructor demonstrates the proper position of the bat, which should be held with the barrel slightly higher than the hands to allow for a downward bunt. The instructor also gives advice on how to adjust [More]
This video goes into the importance of the sacrifice bunt and how each player on the team should be able to execute the sacrifice bunt. There are three keys to a sacrifice bunt. The first key is stance and there are two ways to stand to sacrifice bunt. The first stance squares your body up completely toward the pitcher. The second stance is to turn to face the pitcher without squaring your lower body. The second key to sacrifice bunting is hand placement. The top hand should be brought up the bat and hid behind the barrel and the bottom [More]