In this video, the presenter is demonstrating how to catch a softball for beginners. She explains that beginners often struggle with which way to turn their glove when the ball is thrown in different directions, and they may also be intimidated when the ball is coming at them. To help beginners overcome these challenges, the presenter shows a few progression drills that start with catching soft and small objects like tennis balls and gradually move up to catching an actual softball being thrown from a distance. The first step is to teach beginners how to turn their glove. The presenter [More]
This training video is about a series of games that can be played to improve hand-eye coordination and other fundamental baseball/softball skills. The games are designed to develop skills in a safe and fun environment. Players are encouraged to challenge themselves to improve their skills and beat their personal best. Players need to spread out at a safe distance from each other during the games. All the games involve the use of a ball and glove. Even though the title of the video is 10 Best Softball Drills for Beginners, there are actually eleven games, so you get a bonus [More]