• Softball Videos

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When your team is focusing on softball hitting, you want to do your best to have as many players hitting at one time. The above video addresses this topic. This video first shows an example of a typical boring practice. For the first twenty seconds, you’ll just observe…does it looks like your type of practice? Instead of having twelve girls standing around, only one girl hitting, and the coach trying to pitch at the speed the hitters are used to, amp up your practice to allow all of your players participate in various drills. After watching a boring practice, you’ll [More]
During the above video, we’re going to talk about some troubleshooting you can take on with regards to softball pitching. One thing you see a lot of with pitchers is that they don’t get their arm circle in the right position. This means that you don’t see them getting their arm tight by their ear, reaching tall at the top, and getting nice and tight by the body. If you have a pitcher who doesn’t have a good arm circle, there are two things you can do with them. First, you can have them, before they pitch, work on pointing [More]
During the above video, you’re going to learn about a killer softball hitting drill that will help your players work on getting quick hands. It’s called the quick side bounce drill. This softball hitting drill works on throwing the hands quickly to the low inside pitch. You, the coach, will kneel in front of your hitter because it’s an inside pitch, and she wants to make contact out in front of her. You’ll say, “stride,” and then quickly bounce the ball to her from the side. If the hitter’s hands are a little late, the ball will get too far [More]
During the above video, you’ll learn about the importance of the two strike stance and about a softball drill great for getting your players comfortable and ready for this type of situation. The two strike stance is one that you use in a game situation where the batter has two strikes. We want the hitter to feel comfortable in that situation knowing that they open their zone a little bit, they widen their stance, and they shorten their swing. We practice this softball drill every day at practice so that the players are comfortable in that two strike situation. It’s [More]
The toe touch position is one of the most important to look at in hitting. All great hitters get to the toe touch position differently. Toe touch is important because it is the last position we are in before swinging. This video recaps what happens at toe touch from the ground all the way up to the arms and hands.
This video details proper shoulder rotation when hitting a fastpitch softball. The video compares a correct rotation side-by-side with one that is incorrect. Both videos are stopped and graphically diagrammed for visual reference. The main point is that the shoulder does not rotate on the same axis as the hips do.
This video explores a couple of ways to use an Easton Training Stick, emphasizing how it can be used in pre-game warmups.
This video deals with how the catcher should field the bunt. The area of the field that is the catcher’s responsibility is pointed out as well as positioning for bunts down the first base side. Explains how the catcher should scoop the ball off the ground with mitt and hand.
A team’s defense is not complete until infield bunt defense is perfected. In most bunt defense situations the 3rd baseman has priority over who will get the ball. the 1st baseman, 3rd baseman, and pitcher are not the only infielders involved in bunt defense procedures. The 2nd baseman should also be yelling where the ball is going to based on the angle of the bat and where the pitch is leading to.