Nice collection of drills for hitting indoors. One hand drills works each hand separately using a hitting stick and small wiffle balls. My personal favorite is the hitting a wiffle ball on a wiffle ball drill. Make sure to haveĀ appropriate size bats available for smaller girls.
This drill focuses on soft toss batting practice. Demonstrates how to simulate a change-up with soft toss.
This video examines proper head and upper body positioning during the pitch. Also shows proper body angle during the stride.
This video comes from and features softball coach Kirk Walker and Olympian Lisa Fernandez. Coach Kirk focuses on opposite field hitting and Lisa stresses proper mechanics with tee drills.
This video provides an overview of the proper techniques for tracking a ball hit to the outfield in softball. The instructor emphasizes the importance of having a good drop step, which involves stepping back with the appropriate foot depending on where the ball is hit. The first step should always be back and the glove should be tucked while running. When tracking the ball, it is essential not to turn your back to the ball, and the shoulders should stay open to the ball at all times. If the wind takes the ball in the opposite direction of where the [More]
In this video, the instructor demonstrates a bunting drill for softball players. The instructor first discusses the proper way to hold the bat, with the thumb and index finger behind the bat, and the top hand strong and controlling the barrel. The goal is to hit the ball on the end of the barrel, which is the dead spot, and make contact on top of the ball so that it drops straight down. The instructor emphasizes that when squaring up, players should have their legs nice and bent, and strong, with the barrel a little bit higher than the hands. [More]
The video is about drills used by LSU softball catchers that can be helpful for all catchers, including youth catchers. The drills focus on receiving low pitches, which is one of the hardest pitches to catch successfully. The first drill involves the catcher starting with the glove on the ground and working up into the catch. The goal is to catch everything back towards the strike zone, and the emphasis is on working under the ball and catching it as it is worked back up into the strike zone. Another way catchers are doing this is by starting with a [More]
In this video, a coach shares an activity to improve proper throwing mechanics and strengthen the ability to make a strong throw. The activity is called “One Knee Throw” and involves throwing a ball while kneeling on one knee. The coach suggests working with a partner or a net to practice the proper throwing technique, which includes the thumb to thigh circle, extending the elbow, and following through. This activity is particularly useful for focusing on the follow-through, as the thrower can make a throwing motion across their knee. The coach emphasizes the importance of following through properly, as it [More]
The video is about pitching drills that can help players warm up and get ready for a practice or a game. The coach starts by emphasizing the importance of warming up and stretching, and then goes on to demonstrate three different drills that she likes to use to help pitchers get loose. The first drill is called “Hug Yourself”, which involves alternating which arm is above your head and hugging yourself. The coach explains that this drill is great for stretching, getting your heart rate up, and feeling warm. The second drill is called “High Five Low Five”, which involves [More]